I think there is a risk for young gifted kids to become depressed because they have a broader understanding about the complexities of our world WITHOUT an ability to control very much of it OR have the emotional/cognitive maturity to truly see future benefits of current struggles, understand that life waxes and wanes, and the ability to suppress the negatives.

Things to look for with depression would be the negative talk, hopelessness, and helplessness you are hearing plus changes in appetite and sleep, frequent tearfulness, irritability or anger, and often a loss of interest in things the used to bring pleasure.

I would start with your pediatrician to rule out vitamin deficiencies, thyroid, or other metabolic causes of her worsening mood. I would also suggest finding a counselor/psychologist that can help her (along with you) cope with such heavy thoughts.

It might be she neeeds a new passion or even to do some research of her own on spirituality and religion (with help). We (as humans) believe in things we can't see all the time; faith is a difficult concept to understand for a child.

Last edited by Evemomma; 09/17/12 11:58 AM.