I was a team manager for my son's team in K and 1st. We met weekly and starting meeting in November for the tournament in the spring. We actually met twice a week the month or so before the tournament. Though it was not competitive at those grades it was still quite a bit of work. I also had another parent to help me which was great. We met each week to come up with our goals for the team meeting and plan any activities. In addition to the children working on their play (the tournament challenge) making props, scenery, coming up with dialogue,etc., we also worked on instant challenges which is another area the teams must do at the tournament.

It is really a wonderful program but it is a big time committment. I am not managing this year because with work it got to be a bit much and no other parent has stepped forward so we will unfortuantely not have a team this year. We may try again next year. The kids did love it and I think learned alot.

The school also did not let us practice at the schoool so we practiced at my home or the home of the other team manager and that also got to be a bit challenging with siblings, etc.

It really is a well run program though so if you do decide to manage a team there is great information out there to help plan activities and get ideas.

Good luck!