Thank you so much for the input. This is all so very interesting to me. I have always known that my daughter was different than other kids her age, but I had no idea that giftedness encompassed so many personality �quirks�. It�s like it takes all these facets of her personality that seem unrelated and calls it something. It makes a lot of sense to me. She is definitely advanced academically for her age, nothing extreme though. The personality characteristics of gifted children describe her perfectly. My motivation to get her into a different classroom setting would be to make sure that she is challenged academically and to get her somewhere where the kids and teacher �get� her. She does have selective mutism, so how could she be tested? It is my understanding that she would need to answer questions and she is very frozen when she is required to answer direct questions. I believe her fear of being wrong stops her. With us she feels much freer to be imperfect. Does anyone have advice for testing in this situation?