Originally Posted by daytripper75
I spoke with the TAG coordinator this morning. She said that we should allow him to float along until 3rd grade as long as he is happy.
It's going to be hard but I agree with her reasoning that this is his one chance at childhood and that he will start showing his stripes soon enough.
I was glad to have the chance to talk to her, she is so calming and knows so much about children.


I agree with the TAG teacher and others that it's OK to coast and just be happy for kindergarten, but certainly not until third. Your kiddo needs to have a chance to learn how to learn, like all the other kids. If after several months you find that your kiddo does not appear to be learning anything new (or at any time when you find that your kiddo is no longer happy to coast), I would revisit with the TAG teacher. It is great that she is so approachable.

ETA: Note about perfectionism. I am a firm believer that perfectionists need to be given an opportunity to do things that do not come easily to them so that they can see that certain things do take time/effort/practice to achieve success. I think a lot of perfectionists will avoid trying things that they perceive to be difficult, and if they are never given the opportunity to do things at a challenging enough level, they will sink deeper into not trying new things. There are ways to give these opportunities out of school, such as piano lessons.

Of course, just advice based on my beliefs/experience with my own kiddo. You are the expert on your kiddo and know best what will work. I just get worried if a teacher, especially a GT teacher, says it's OK to float along until third grade. But of course I do not have all the context either. smile

Last edited by st pauli girl; 09/11/12 09:35 AM.