How interesting that you mention Spark! I happened to see this book at my library last week and I am just now thorough with my other selections and starting to read it.

I'm quite sure I have undiagnosed ADD, and I have 2 kids who have ADD. We've tried all kinds of dietary tweaking but not really any specific exercise program. Ds who is not hyper has always done sports, and dd who IS hyperactive is an avid equestrian, but we can only afford for her to ride once a week. She is very fit, as she is constantly moving and running around, but I do wonder if we could offset the extraneous activity with a structured program.

FWIW, I run 6 days a week and do push ups and sit ups every day. It's not a terribly rigoruous workout, but it is very regular. I'm still scatter brained, though it may be that my multi year sleep deprivation overrides the small benefit from regular exercise.