Dottie - I wasn't really worried, just pokin' at ya.

Grinity - We don't watch much TV and I won't watch The Simpsons, although DH thinks it is hilarious. Not sure he'd sit down and explain things, though, in the way ou have in mind. DS loves to watch Clifford and Wheel of Fortune. You think "Andy Griffith" would do it? (funny emoticon here, if I could figure out how to do that!) I am thinking about what you said.

Empathy is not my strong suit, so I'll have to think about that as wel. But, I'm wondering about something. We lost our dog in December (she was very old) and are thinking of getting another dog. Any thoughts on dogs being able to help kids with empathy? Or socialization?

I also wondered about any thoughts of his being an only child affecting this and if so, if anyone else with just one had ideas?