DD actually struggles a bit with this as a part of her identity, which I gather isn't all that uncommon.

She feels a little insecure about being PG because she seems to lack an area of-- well, of singularity, for lack of a better term. She does most cognitively-based tasks and activities well, often with little practice or effort, and often at a level 2+ years beyond her agemates.

To her, it feels pretty even. To others it can seem pretty even, too-- at least if she were 16-17 and not 12-13, that is.

Just wanted to let you know that this kind of child comes with their own challenges as far as self-identity goes. It's entirely too easy for them to float by entirely unrecognized other than as "just great, really smart kids" in busy classrooms, provided that they are reasonably cooperative.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.