Unfortunately, you won't be able to retest him with the WISC-IV for at least a year. I would look for a psychologist who is familiar with gifted kids and with 2e kids, and who uses the SB-V. It sounds like the one you used missed some major red flags (perfectionism in particular), and generally didn't do a good job of putting him at ease with the testing. If he has that much scatter in his subscores, the overall score may not be valid at all.

Hoagie's Gifted has a list of testers here: http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/psychologists.htm There are two listed in Florida, for what that's worth. You could also post over in the "regional" section of the board asking for a recommendation.

I will warn you that you will probably get what you pay for. The neuropsych who tested our daughter did a great job, and easily identified the diagnoses of dysgraphia and SPD (she doesn't think she has ADHD, because most of the behaviors can be explained by those two). It also cost $2500. If money is tight, you may want to look at a psychology school, where you might be able to get a cheaper test done by a student (supervised by a licensed practitioner). But you would be best off finding a neuropsych with expertise with "twice exceptional" kids.