SAHM....I think we have the same objectives. I want DS to be in a school where he thrives. I want his love for learning to be nurtured. The school I have chosen for him has an 8:1 ratio and multifaceted learning environments.

As for the guitars. My husband is a classical guitars, so we have five or six guitars just hanging around the house. He loves to play them. We have considered getting him his own, smaller guitar, but we haven't looked at them yet. He does have a toy guitar from the Backyardigans that a friend gave him for his 1st birthday. He likes it alot, but of course, it is not like the real thing.

Isn't it fun when they play the piano? DS has a full-size keyboard in the living room that he has been playing with for ages. He is just now starting to really get the hang of singing.

Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot. I feel like I can talk about DS here and no one things I am being a jerk.