Thanks so very much!

It is so true about schools! A school four streets over used to be lauded as the best around. In the past few years, it has rapidly declined. Even my public high school, which offered five languages, psychology, ethics, philosophy, microbiology, astronomy, etc., is a pale representation of its former self. Meanwhile, a school not far from here that was once considered a loss cause is now a Blue Ribbon School. That's why we think we are going to stick with the private school. The ratio is 8:1, and they use many Montessori techniques. He will start going a couple of hours a week at 2, then half time at 3, and full time at 4.

We are an incredibly active family. We go to museums, the park, the playground, swimming, and just enjoy life. In fact, we just got back from the zoo, where he fell in love with the llamas. He kept talking about them while we were there. I asked him if he had fun, and he said, "I had a nice day." : )

And music as been central in his life from day one. His father plays classical guitar, and I am a former professional singer. He has seven instruments, and we spend lots of time jamming together.

I understand where you are coming from islandofappples. My son was incredibly alert from the moment he was born. People commented on how "there" he seemed to be. By the time he was six months old, he could say, five words, and would say "hi" and "bye" to everyone. He is about average with motor skills at this point.

I feel so much better after coming here. It sounds like I am doing all that I can for now, and the rest is up to him.