I remember being the same way. In 1st and 2nd grade I was a straight A student, working ahead in the books and just on top of everything. Then I transfered to a private school for 3rd grade and that is when everything got overwhelming.

I remember drawing a picture and getting yelled at for it because I was supposed to be doing an assignment and I didn't understand what the big deal was. I remember having a math test and not knowing how to do any of the problems at all and then just writing random numbers. None of it made sense to me but I got my test back and saw I failed and I remember just not caring because I didnt understand. Later on my mother told me she cried at night because I struggled so hard and was so frustrated.

I remember stealing around that time in my life too. I stole from 3 different stores in one day at one point..just stupid stuff like balloons or candy. I got caught because I offered some to my godmother after she took me with her to a party store.

She told my parents and they cracked down on me hard. I remember crying in my parents room. The made sure I understood that what I did was wrong. I remember after that I was different. But during that time in my life I wasn't able to comprehend certain things.

I'm glad my parents did what they did when they were strict with me. They made me go back to each store and return what I stole and apologize, it was hard but it opened my eyes. Now I am one of the most empathetic people I know but I'm not sure why I was like that back then. I always wondered why I was like that and then others around me seemed to be normal and not getting in trouble like me. I don't know how I didn't realize the things I did were wrong looking back on it but with the love of my parents I made it through.

No matter how angry I got, how much I failed, or anything I did, my parents never once gave up on me and they helped me grow to where I am today.

I think there method would work well here, enforcing punishment and maybe he should directly apologize to the principal himself. I also got in trouble when the secretary of my school used to give me my ADD medication everyday, i used to throw it on the floor after she walked away because I was mad that I needed it. They found out and my parents made me apologize to her.

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light”