Does anyone have any experience with NVLD/NLD with a social child? DD has a very high verbal score (apparently 99th+ but don't have the number yet) and low scores in visual perception, working memory and processing speed. (Original testing put these at 6th-8th but new testing is more like 30th - still a huge difference but no longer in the "impaired" range.) Neuropsych gave her NLVD, ADHD-Inattentive and anxiety. (Previous neuropsych - whose report was determined to be invalid - said there were attention issues but it was definitely NOT an ADD situation.) When I asked neuropsych about the social component that I thought had to be present for NVLD he said it is more "NLD-ish" since not all applies to her but it is apparently easier than saying super high verbal abilities along with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, math issues, etc.

As I have been reading I am seeing a close affiliation between NLD and AS. My DD is about as far from Aspergers or anywhere on the spectrum as night and day. She is very social and has been from the minute she was born. Her preschool teacher has told me that she believes DD has "the highest EQ of anyone I've ever known." She is extremely empathetic, sympathetic and friendly. She has always been a social butterfly and recently chose to give up a week at her favorite camp to instead spend the week having daily playdates - sometimes 2 in one day. This really doesn't match with my reading of NVLD/NLD.

The neuropsych noted things like using sign language (she took a mini ASL class this summer and has been enjoying practicing) to answer some questions and being "overly dramatic" in her excitement when she enjoyed certain things. He called these "immature" - a very different interpretation than I have ever heard before. I'm not saying wrong - just different. He said she might be uncomfortable in new surroundings and I told him it was quite the opposite. For example on a cruise last month when she entered the kids club area - new to everyone and no one knew anyone else unless they had a sibling close in age - she was totally comfortable from the first minute and walked up to the other kids and started talking to them. He said this could be a problem - she's not reading social cues and apparently SHOULD have somehow been uncomfortable in order to not overwhelm the other kids.

Can someone with more experience try to explain this to me? I have no problem with a diagnosis - anything that will make it easier for the school to understand what she needs and meet her needs is fine. I am just wondering if I am missing something. The exact part of her personality that everyone has always marveled at is now being described as a possible problem. The neuropsych was clear that it was not necessarily an issue - just something to be aware of. I am wondering, though, if the NLD or NVLD needs to have a social component or if this diagnosis could potentially cause unnecessary problems if it's not accurate.