It's possible that Connections could work for you.

We've been with them for over 7 years now; one of the problems that we've been having with them is their increasing reliance on ONLY on-line (not physical/offline) resources in their curriculum.

It's definitely possible at the middle school level and up to do Connections as a nearly 'paperless' method.

I'd probably give that a shot, especially if you're in a state with a Connections charter school. It would be free to try, and your DS probably would also have an IEP/504 plan in place to further accommodate his needs.

That Nook may well run most of the school's platform, by the way. My DH's NookColor does; it'll open up the textbooks, the lessons, everything.

One caveat-- for elementary, this may not work as well.

It will also be extremely difficult to work on any OT for writing issues, too. That may be a service that you'll need to tackle locally with the regular district (it varies state by state how virtual charter school are obliged to provide support services to students with particular disabilities).

If you have questions about Connections in particular, I'm happy to answer them. I also know a fair amount about K12.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.