All you can do it work on creating opportunities for learning. Life certainly isn't easier with a gifted child, it's just different. Certainly some things are easier, other aspects are much more difficult. That's what even a lot of teachers don't understand. Gifted children have their own unique set of challenges and parenting them does as well.

This doesn't stop when they're in a GT program at school either. That time is most often very limited, the child's need to learn and be challenged though doesn't stop nor is it limited. Be prepared to keep on looking for opportunities, mentors, and classes outside of the school to help meet the needs of your GT child.

Passion learning is the highest form of learning. If you child has a passion at this point in their life for Biology, by all means, fill er up! Use it as well as a tangent to show her how other subjects relate to Biology. Sure, that means that you're going to have to address some topics that aren't always age appropriate but it's better than not feeding her the knowledge she craves. It's pretty typical for example for accelerated readers to have a difficult time finding age appropriate reading material that is also challenging.