
Thanks!! I'll look for that Gifted & Talented series. The array of choices out there is dizzying. Frustrating to search for something appropriate, both because at the right level the presentation is colorless and over-compact, and because of not enough space to write for people who write large -- he needs the "large print" edition. I think it's going to come down to purchasing a bunch of these books and tearing out one out of every 4 or 5 pages for him to do and then pitching the rest, seems like such a waste.

Normally I wouldn't care if he wrote the answers or said them aloud, but in this case one of our goals is that he be able to read over a page of work and check that it's all filled in and legible, name at the top etc. Especially as fine motor is an issue for him we are wanting him to be at home with what a fully completed legible page looks like.
