
We're going to do a little afterschooling this year. One of our goals is we want DS5 to be comfortable with and used to doing worksheets as that's a prominent feature of our local public system that he may join next year (this year he'll be at an alternative semi play-based K). Having him do some worksheets should be easy as in the past he's loved that type of thing, just hasn't done it in a year or so.

I've hit a stumbling block though which is it looks like now at his grade level (1st to 4th depending on the subject) the sheets are asking for quite a few written answers, and typically have quite small spaces for writing the answers. DSs weakest area is fine motor skills where he is either behind or at the lower end of normal, he can easily manage matching tasks (draw lines between things), or with some effort circle the right answer. Or print out one letter or one number in a large size space. Printing anything in a small space is beyond him. He'll be getting practice printing at kindergarten so I'd like to skip that frustration in the worksheets.

Anyone have any recommendations for specific brands of work books to buy, or places to download worksheets, that appeal to kids with fine motor challenges?

