I had her evaluated last year for a possible math LD, and both the K-BIT 2 and Woodcock-Johnson tests she was given had her at the 94th percentile for Verbal/Brief Reading, with the WJ showing her age equivalent in reading being 12.5 (she was 8 at the time). And that was in a very noisy room with her having what I suspect is some level of sensory or auditory processing disorder (we finally have a Developmental Ped appointment coming in October). I have a feeling if she was tested appropriately, those numbers would be higher. She has constantly complained about everything being for "babies", so I think she would appreciate some challenge, but I'm not sure how far to push her at first.

As far as the fourth grade curriculum goes, I still haven't met with any of the teachers yet, so I don't know for certain. I can tell you that last year was pretty much as you described: whole class reading assignments, occasional projects, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, AR (am I the only one that hates this program?).

She's currently in their AAP (what was called "Honors" when I was growing up) program, but it just didn't seem like it was enough last year based on her complaints. I guess I was hoping y'all could tell me some ideas I could pass on to her teacher as the teachers she's had so far have been completely unreceptive to the idea of differentiating her at all. I guess I was hoping that if I told her just what to do it might actually happen for once. *Sigh*