I would also try to find out what she's really thinking - my guess is that the first thought that comes out re the idea isn't going to be how she might feel about it after she's had some time to really let the thought sink in (at least this is how it works with my dds).

The other thing I'd do is think through why *I* wanted to accelerate her, and explain it to her with the full picture that your'e seeing. Chances are she is only thinking of it in terms of "if I do this option now, I have to sit in class with my brother" or whatever... but if you were to explain to her, for instance, if you take the accelerated option next year, then the following year you'll be able to ___ (fill in the blank) or, again, whatever *you* see as the benefit, it might make sense to her and she'd be ready to give it a try.
