Originally Posted by ultramarina
As I wrote that, I thought it might be wrong. It FEELS like a memory hole--like I just can't remember faces. I have a migraine...what does that study say, in English? smile Do I recognize faces but am just not making the link to the name?
Lots of people do that, but that isn't prosopagnosia. Suppose you're walking down the street and someone you know walks by, and you look at them. Do you (a) become aware that this is someone you know (regardless of whether you recall their name, or anything about them) or (b) not feel anything different from how you'd feel if you'd never seen them before, so that you walk past oblivious unless they stop you? (b) is prosopagnosia. (a), which seems to be much more common, is "finding it hard to connect names with faces" or some such.

I think the short version of that paper is that they have evidence that (I don't get the impression they'd put it any stronger) developmental prosopagnosics (i.e. people with prosopagnosia they've always had, not as a result of head injury or something) correctly store and retrieve visual memories of faces, and even react differently to familiar than unfamiliar faces indicating that their brains must be somehow connecting the memory with the perception, but don't correctly ring the "aha!" bell that would make them consciously aware that a face should be familiar, and would start the process of trying to retrieve a name, etc.

Last edited by ColinsMum; 07/27/12 12:17 AM.

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