I don't have any knowledge of the DORA test so can't help you with that, but fwiw spelling and reading ability (ability to sound out words, understand phonics, comprehend what you read etc) are different types of abilities so it's not impossible at all to have a child who can read at a high level and still struggle with spelling. We have three of them in my family, as well as an adult (dh) smile

My ds12 has dysgraphia, and in his case, part of the spelling challenge is related to his dysgraphia (yet he has read - with good comprehension - at a college level + since very early elementary school). My oldest dd is also a way-ahead-of-grade level reader but is MG (if that, she's also had IQ testing that doesn't put her in the gifted range at all), not HG or PG. I don't think that one *has* to be HG to be several years ahead of grade level in reading. If I look around at my adult friends, there is a huge variation in both enjoyment of and reading ability.

Also one last note - my MG dd initially struggled in reading and was way behind grade level, but we found out in 2nd grade that she had a vision challenge. After she went through vision therapy and her vision challenge was remediated she made huge rapid strides in her reading ability and went from struggling and behind grade level to several years above grade level in a very short time. I imagine you could see the same type of progress with other targeted types of remediation. So for now, I wouldn't focus so much on the tests as on what you see happening with your dd in school and at home - it sounds like she's making good progress in reading, so that's great! If spelling is a worry, is she getting any kind of help with it? There are different approaches to learning spelling depending on how individual children learn. Also for some children, such as our dysgraphic ds, using technology while writing helps with spelling.

Best wishes,
