Her site looks very good. smile

One caution (up front) is that her background is in engineering-- specifically, in mechanical engineering.

This probably makes her a fantastic physics teacher, but may limit her ability to offer a 'biologist' or 'chemist' outlook on those disciplines. (It's possible that her other staffers are experts in those disciplines-- I didn't look into it that far.)

I mention that only because of my experience with the difference in how engineers look at things versus that scientist perspective. It is a subtly different perspective, and one that leads to a great many frustrating attempts to communicate effectively across that divide.

Mostly, I'm just really thrilled that someone finally seems to have put together REAL exploration-based homeschool science curriculum for K-12. There has been a huge void there, particularly in grades 3-8.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.