Hey, you guys, I'm talkin' about theory, here. I'm not short on ideas for projects, or source material, and I'm not looking for more open ended things to do.

My DS does not appear to respond well to open ended art experiences, and this challanges my assumptions. I'm interested in discussing those assumptions, and thinking about how to guess what types of teaching are best for whom.


HowlerKarma: I get where you're comming from, but that brings it back to the kind of art instruction *I* like... but that DS doesn't seem to do well on. When he's finished something (which is rare) we often discuss what it is, he is usually only willing to attribute fixed subject matter to MY stuff, not HIS. But his stuff can take on meaning for limited periods of time. A couple of days ago, he told me a particular pic was a triceratops, "but just untill tomorrow," and he really did decide it was something different the next day. He's also establishing a list of things he can draw, which is real wierd at his age. It includes elephants, which are quite recognisable, though impressionistic, always facing left, and which I never taught him to draw-by-numbers, and train tracks, which I did teach him to draw-by-numbers.

(sorry, guys, I'm just easily frustrated)

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!