Thank you, kimck. That's actually exactly what we asked for in the last meeting - allow him to access his distance learning course during class just so he can be plugged into headphones and less aware of what's going on in the classroom. I think I'll pursue that again. Fact is, there are things he likes about school, mostly the age appropriate fun stuff like building a leprechaun trap. We cannot choose his teacher for next year. In fact, he can't even request a friend in his class (which is an issue in a grade of 400). So it's pure luck for next year. I think I'll take these hints and encouragement and schedule our follow-up meeting. The teachers were willing to allow him distance course access (a first in that school), but they talked is out of it by saying "do you want him to be isolated like that?". I guess at this point, the answer is yes. And DS and I talked tonight about ideas to make things better. All of your responses have been very helpful. Thank you.