EandCmom, yes, he most definitely does have sensory issues, and that is the root of most of his complaints about school. He went from a class of 7 to a class of 22 (with two teachers), from a school of 120 to a school of 1200. And the sensory issues are why he complains so much about the other kids. It's the noise, and the discipline system (and of course, he knows how to make a lot of noise himself, with his friends, LOL). He is also frustrated with the level of work, saying he's not learning anything this year, but they are trying to adjust that. Not sure what can be done. The teachers have offered to let him do his work in the library, but he says he'll feel cut off. His number one complaint is the kids - not all of them, just the ones who make noise.

As for the converse, he says he wants to be HS'd because the other kids won't be there, no school disciplinary system, and he won't have to do work he already knows.