Originally Posted by Madoosa
Originally Posted by Grinity
Originally Posted by KJP
I appreciate the information and the movie was great. I had never seriously considered a boarding school. Mainly because the stereotype I had was of starched uniforms and harsh disciplinarians smacking kids' hands with rulers.
Gosh, my stereotype of boarding school was 'sorting hat' and '3 points for Griffendor' and 'Hagrid.'

bwhahaha! Aiden's too - it's the reason he wants to go to boarding school; just in case he gets to ride a broom and attend potions classes.

That is a great point. Perhaps my son won't share my negative stereotype should we look into boarding later on.

I really like the idea of a democratic school. I think the closest thing I am going to find that works right now is Montessori. While this is very different from a Sudbury school or Summerhill, at least there is some choice of activity allowed.

Nik, thanks again for sharing the information on Summerhill. My oldest son is only four so we have plenty of time.