"...wow, she's just like my daughter!! (Mine's made it into the gifted math program for grade 5, which starts in Sept.) She also wasn't showing her math work (bored, unmotivated, etc.) She's really hard to motivate in general, unless it's something she's interested in... (at the moment it's origami - as I type this she's in front of her lap top looking at diagrams, with scraps of paper littered all over the table and the floor, lol)."

Your above statements remind me of my DS11. Sooo hard to motivate unless he has an interest in a topic , and a dislike for math facts, showing steps etc.
Anyway, he was very interested in origami (still is a bit, but is on the back burner). I have been meaning to read more about; wholemovement. It is a paper folding mathematics program that SENG is presenting at their summer children's program this summer. Here is their link just in case you want more info. It sounds like a nice combo of math and origami.


mommapenguin: Congrats!