My children are now 13, 10 and 7. I started homeschooling when the oldest was in 3rd grade, then we went to school again(thinking a new school would work) and 2 years later we homeschooled again.

I think that the part for me that is easiest is the control. I was so tired of the lack of challenge and my kids frustration and not being able to do anything because the school just didn't have options. Now I can do something about it.

I can't help but think this area will grow and I wish there was a way for gifted homeschoolers to form partnerships other than word of mouth.

We started with simply after schooling. Then I got to the point when my oldest was in 2nd grade, that I would take him out for a day and just let him learn something at home, or we would go to the library and just read for hours. I realized how much more he learned. But when I couldn't do that everyday with work I had to look for options. It wasn't as hard as I thought to find a nanny. In fact our nanny was a part time social worker for an inner city school and she totally understood why we were doing this even though I never told her my kids were gifted. (It had to have been obvious)