marytheres, can you remind us why your child had the first round of testing? Were you wondering about possible challenges, was it for school placement, or was it for admission to a gifted program?

Unless I was trying to get qualifying scores for a program, if it were me, I'd wait on further testing until after your ds has been through his VT and OT and he's had a chance to make up in any areas where he may have fallen back due to the vision challenges (for instance, my dd who had VT made incredible progress in reading once she had been through a few months of VT, and I don't think she stopped really making those intermediate gains (catching up to where she would have been anyway) for probably a full year after she'd completed VT - but she may have been more impacted by vision challenges than your ds.

I also wouldn't want to go back to the same place you've been to based on the concerns you've had. While your ds is going through VT/OT, you can network around and try to find a recommendation for a good pediatric neuropsychologist in your area. If they aren't covered by your insurance, you've got some time to try to figure out if there's a way to convince the insurance to pay for an out-of-network provider.

I know it's really tempting to want to have testing re-done right away when you've found a challenge like vision where it's a) highly impacted part of the original testing and b) it's highly correctable. I really wished I could have had my dd re-tested with the WISC after VT for a direct comparison, but we didn't have a compelling reason to retest other than for vision, and we didn't have a need for IQ testing for school etc, so we didn't retest at the time. She has had an IQ test since then, due to other challenges she's had at school. The second test was the WJ-III Test of Cognitive Abilities, so we don't have an apples-to-apples comparison, but fwiw as closely as I can compare, it appears that the original tests that were so impacted on the WISC (can't remember what they were now and I'm not at home so I can't check - but I think they were the same tests that were low for your ds) - came up in-line with her other ability subtest scores. Outside those two subtests, nothing else really changed much.

Gotta run, hope that helped a bit!


eta - btw, I would continue with exploring the LD issue. I don't remember what exactly that potential issue was - could you remind me? That might make a difference in how I answered the question above!