Thank you Cricket2, I called the superintendent's office today and his secretary was understanding and I asked her if I could possibly get an IQ test from a psychologist and use that. She said she didn't know, but she said these schools have the right to turn kids away if they want to, even though the other one is failing AYP. I just don't get it.

Polarbear, I understand that almost all parents think their kids are exceptional, but this one truly is and he was already in Kindergarten and identified as gifted there, in public school, as gifted. They passed him from Kindergarten to a combined class of 1st and 2 graders rather than skip him straight to 2nd grade. That was the problem. This principal of the school I wanted to put him in said he needed to go BACK to 1st grade, which is so insane I can't even fathom it.

There's a lot of politics in these small, rural towns, and I ruffled feathers by complaining. He told me today when he called me back that I "burned bridges" and that I "made a name" for myself in this town and placing my kids anywhere was going to be a struggle. I was like.. WHAT THE..???

I told my husband what he said and boy, was he mad... And he never gets mad. He went to the Superintendent's office and he plans on calling our congressmen if need be to get something done about this situation and the total un-professionalism of the principal.