There is nothing so wonderful as having an older sister to grow up with to help a kid feel normal even when they are quite far from average.
Let them skip him - it's a great age for it, and you can always unskip him later. The way I look at it is that now he hates writing, if you leave him underchallenged at school for long he'll had writing AND everything else.

It certianly was true for me that things I considered utterly normal, such as being picky about sock seams, were considered highly unusual by people who had more exposure to a wider collection of kids.

Kids deserve to learn in school. Before my DS let me know that he believed that he deserved to learn in school I thought it was normal for elementary school to be mostly about trying to entertain myself in a way that didn't bug others.

Give it a try. Are you using the Handwriting without Tears paper? You can download some from free from their main site. It's amazing how much of a difference those lines made at our house. I also like their philosophy of drawing a whole page of a letter and putting smiley faces under the nicest ones. No attention to what isn't right at all. I also like their books and 'The Print Tool' if you really need to convinse your child to work on certian aspects of writing.

You many also want to work on other projects that build hand strength, or even core strenght if sitting is making it hard to write.

Ultimately I think it's unfair to ask a teacher to create a whole seperate curriculum for a single kid, so I like full skips. It's also unfair to ask a 6 or 7 year old to self entertain all day while they aren't learning. It's unfair to ask the other kids and the teacher to put up with what your kid is doing while they try and self entertain all day. I know that your son hasn't had any issues with Preprimary, but once 1st grade starts the expectations on kid's behavior rise sharply, and the chances to self entertain decrease, so if the school wants to skip him, and he's old for grade, let them.

Love and More Love,

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