Oh my goodness - just read your post and I swear, you and I are going through the exact same thing! My son just finished up kindergarten at a Montessori school and soundsdevelopmentsch like your son - big talker, started reading at 2, very advanced vocabularly and grasps concepts that are just far beyond what his peers comprehend which makes it hard for them to "get" him at times. And while he's so bright, he's also very stubborn and can be quite opinionated about certain things (particularly what work he wants to do) and his teachers also questioned whether he'd be ok in lower el next year for the same reasons you described. The asynchronous development is challenging! We're hoping that the lower el environment will be good in that he can do 2nd and 3rd grade level work, while still functioning as a 1st grader from a social/emotional perspective. Like you, we also just arranged for testing as a means to determine how best to accommodate him from an educational standpoint. I personally hate testing and labels but have recently come to realize that sometimes they're necessary to get what we need for our kids. I'm also a bit anxious that the results won't reflect what we know to be true. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I feel your pain and that there are others going through the same thing. Keep us posted on how things turn out! smile