Originally Posted by Denvermom
We would love to connect with other HGT children in the area.
I know that Mensa gets a bad rap around here occasionally, but I did want to mention in regard to this that I am assuming that you are in Denver given your name. I'm one of the gifted children's coordinators for Denver Mensa although I'm not in Denver proper. We do have two other GCCs who are in Denver, though, and the three of us are really trying to get a more active group for our young Mensans and other gifted kids on the front range. I have two HG+ kids but mine are older (11 and 13) and girls, so they wouldn't be much help, but if you want to send me a PM, I'll try to remember to keep you in the loop if we get anything together for kids your ds' age. You could also join our FB "young Mensans" page (it is closed, but I'll approve you smile ).

Depending on the group, there are some pretty active young Mensans groups in parts of the county for the OP as well. It might be worth looking to see if your local group is actually local to you and if they have a GCC and an active program. Not all kids are HG, but by virtue of them or their parents being Mensa members, the odds that they are at least MG, which is better odds than I've found in trying to find peers through school TAG/GATE programs.