
Whatever the scores were it looks like there is scatter, and I think you said in your other post that the school initiated the evaluation because there was a question about possibly ASD? If there is any way you can afford to do it (medical insurance will sometimes cover the cost) I would suggest getting a private neuropsychologist to evaluate your ds. I'm guessing that something is going on at least at school that either you or your ds' teachers are concerned with (hence the school eval). The neuropsych evaluation may show, as Sharon mentioned, that your ds is simply a very bright totally typical child with no challenges - but otoh, if he's struggling in some way at school or at home, the neuropsych's look at the ability testing combined with the other type of tests and developmental history / parent interview that neuropsychs typically include in their evaluations may be *very* helpful in understanding your ds. You will also get full details on subtest scores, explanations etc in much more detail with a private evaluation than you will with most school evaluations.

In the meantime, I would write a letter to your school requesting a copy of the full test report for your ds, including subtest scores. Include a deadline (10 days is what our advocate recommends) and send the request to whoever is listed in your school district as the contact for gifted department record requests.

Good luck!
