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Posted By: verycurious Could my son be gifted? - 06/07/12 12:46 PM
Hi, I recently hi-jacked someone elses post(sorry) to ask a question in regards to a full cogintive assessment my son took at school, I got the results mixed up they were as follows:

VCI-High Average

EP also mentioned his emotional literacy as being below low average.

This was all I was told and when I asked for a copy of the results I was told this was something that the EP does not do as it takes more time, I was not given a FSIQ but I would presume(thanks to some links from another member) that the WMI & PSI would bring that down dramaticaly.

I just wanted to know..would the results for PRI be classed as giftedness or am I just making something out of nothing as per??
Posted By: epoh Re: Could my son be gifted? - 06/07/12 02:32 PM
Send them a request, in writing, for a copy of your son's records. You are entitled to them by law. That doesn't mean they have to fast about it, but having things in writing certainly helps - they can't pretend later they never got the request.

The PRI being 'outstanding' would indicate giftedness (that means his raw ability to reason and learn is higher than average). Depending on the actual scores, a GAI might be a more useful number than the FSIQ for him. (GAI takes the VCI and PRI and ignores the WMI and PSI numbers.)
Posted By: SharonM Re: Could my son be gifted? - 06/07/12 04:32 PM
Was outstanding the exact word used? The WISC reports I see tend to use superior or very superior (two separate ranges), never outstanding. Very superior is where our local cuts start gifted services.
Posted By: verycurious Re: Could my son be gifted? - 06/07/12 04:49 PM
Thanks Epoh.

Hi Sharon, yes the EP said "his perceptual reasoning skills are outstanding...absolutly outstanding for a boy of his age" her exact words lol (he has just turned 7) which is why I wanted to pick everyones brains smile I have too little information..and too many questions at the moment.
Posted By: SharonM Re: Could my son be gifted? - 06/07/12 04:53 PM
That's unfortunate, just in that oustanding is not the standard choice of word. I'm sure it's quite hihg, given her excitement, but superior would place it in one category, and very superior another. People get excited at all sorts of levels. Get the full report if you can.
Posted By: verycurious Re: Could my son be gifted? - 06/07/12 05:12 PM
So sorry I was doing this off the top of my head!..unfortunatly my memory is not outstanding ;), I just know that I got the VCI & PRI mixed up, and I have also been doing some googling...suppose I would rather be told he is extremely bored at school than the latter frown
Posted By: SharonM Re: Could my son be gifted? - 06/07/12 05:41 PM
I don't know what google is suggesting, but please know I have dealt with dozens of students with split profiles between VCI and PRI (both directions) that are for the most part, perfectly normal children (albeit rather bright!)
Posted By: polarbear Re: Could my son be gifted? - 06/07/12 06:10 PM

Whatever the scores were it looks like there is scatter, and I think you said in your other post that the school initiated the evaluation because there was a question about possibly ASD? If there is any way you can afford to do it (medical insurance will sometimes cover the cost) I would suggest getting a private neuropsychologist to evaluate your ds. I'm guessing that something is going on at least at school that either you or your ds' teachers are concerned with (hence the school eval). The neuropsych evaluation may show, as Sharon mentioned, that your ds is simply a very bright totally typical child with no challenges - but otoh, if he's struggling in some way at school or at home, the neuropsych's look at the ability testing combined with the other type of tests and developmental history / parent interview that neuropsychs typically include in their evaluations may be *very* helpful in understanding your ds. You will also get full details on subtest scores, explanations etc in much more detail with a private evaluation than you will with most school evaluations.

In the meantime, I would write a letter to your school requesting a copy of the full test report for your ds, including subtest scores. Include a deadline (10 days is what our advocate recommends) and send the request to whoever is listed in your school district as the contact for gifted department record requests.

Good luck!

Posted By: verycurious Re: Could my son be gifted? - 06/08/12 12:53 PM
Thanks for the replies...I have been in touch with EP again, think she is definatly avoiding giving me the results(hmmm)so think I will start writing the letter :), although she has sent her info to camhs so hopefully they will give more information.

I had my son referred to camhs due to his behaviour at school(totally out of character for him)and also the school bringing up ASD/AS blew my mind..never would of even awful is that?, he was 2 yrs behind academically because he was simply refusing to do any reading/writing, became verbaly agressive towards his younger sister(definatly out of character for him) having nightmares/night terrors during term time(never weekends or holidays). It was not until I informed the school of this that they finally got the EP in who tells me that the school do not think his behaviour is any different than that of any other 7 year old(even though I have had to collect during the day due to this)..he is suddenly bang on were he should be in regards to the curriculum(even though I have been called in 5 times to "tell him" he needs to do his writing/reading(he has apparently caught up in 2 months).

Anyways thanks again x

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