Everybody on here!!!!! I came here an overwhelmed momma and, well, I'm still an overwhelmed momma, but I know where to come for ideas and answers!!! I love the wit and wisdom and sometimes the shooting-from-the-hip.

My two bright and nutty little sons (ok not so little). Mite made the turkey today!!! He followed the instructions himself and his dad only helped him do the lifting. The only mistake he made was that he dusted the turkey baking bag with powdered sugar instead of flour. But ya know what?? It was a MARVO mistake giving a sweet salty crust to the bird and a light sweetness to the gravy. We've now written it down for family tradition. Rite made chocolate cake (from scratch) homemade whipped cream and a big fuss about having to do the dishes:^)

Mite's principal...he's always been open to my venting my frustrations and has followed through on all the issues that came up. I credit him with the success of our last IEP meeting, which I think is going to be it for awhile!! Even though we don't always agree, he's always willing to be convinced.:^)

The playground staff who care about Mite and watch out for him and are very vigilant ever since that bully kept pushing Mite in the face to take his mittens.

Mite's math teacher who has always been willing to try suggestions and has come up with quite a few ideas herself. She's gotten past the "vulture" stage and sees Mite's potential in math. "I know he knows it and its that darned dyspraxia getting in the way! He'll say it outloud but by the time it gets to the paper its wrong!!"

Mite's IEP team that finally agreed that Mite's being in the "middle of the pack" was NOT ok if it was his disability keeping him there. They finally conceded that Mite needed to have same opportunities to excel that his classmates had and that his disability took that opportunity away. They decided this week to implement numerous accomodations in the classroom including a scribe for all quizzes and tests, keyboarding instruction (!!!!), extra support for motor planning and attention issues and so on. They really came through at this last meeting. Now we just have to hope the teachers cooperate.

Rite's teachers who nominated him unanimously for "student leader", the first time in the school's history that a 9th grader has been nominated and that a kid has been unanimously nominated. They also have all told us what an incredibly intelligent kid he is and they want to advocate for him to skip to AP courses....etc. I like them!!!

Rite's soccer coaches who see his potential and determination and support him both in the sport and academically even though he's not their best player. They actually like him because of his dedication and dependability and passed over better players and gave him MVP for the season!!

Mite's old OT and her willingness to consult even though she's not getting paid. She's the one who has worked this last week to find a SIPT OT for us.

Our doctor who has been soooooo supportive, informative and patient with our family as we go through this ordeal. He actually went to conferences (one on neuromotor disorders --dyspraxia and one on high intelligences and giftedness) this summer just so he could help our family.!!

That the meal is over and I can rest!!!! (15 dishes made and devoured with only 7 left for snacking tonight and this weekend!!!)

And again for this group because there is a safe place to "brag". There is no one else, literally, I can brag to. My family resents it. Of course we all know others resent it, too. I love to read the brags on here and I love to share my own. I miss my mom (died of breast cancer 8 years ago) cuz she loved my brags.

gosh this got long

Cheers to humor, solemnity and thoughtfulness.

Willa Gayle