It's hours later and I'm almost calm.

The problem I have is that our district policy doesn't specifically state that the credits will or will not count, therefore, wiggle room. Also, according to PA's new standards the testing they will begin soon that will be required for graduation can be started as early as 6th grade and will count toward graduation. So, the state allows it and the district isn't clearly defined, so I see no reason why they can't simply add it to their transcripts.

The huge problem I have with the principal is that I went in calmly, asking nicely to have it explained. At one point, I simply stated that I did not understand. He started yelling at me that, of course I don't get it, he's stated his point 2 times and I've repeated it back two times and I still don't understand! Yelled at me!

I put in a bid for a position at that school. It will be rescinded before the bid time is up. If he treats parents that way, I can only imagine how he treats his staff and students. It is not easy for me to remain calm but I tried very hard and kept my cool.

I was told by another guidance counselor that the principal/guidance counselor at his school would be the ones to make the decision and according to the parent/student handbook it is the principal who handles these things.

I honestly never want to deal with this man ever again. I know I will not go in alone ever again. I still feel the pull of going to the administration since I don't think I'm asking for much, just acknowledgement on his transcripts. Everything I've read today says that colleges look for a challenging course load and taking a high school class in elementary school would definately qualify and show that it's been a pattern for him.