My son, age 11, is going to be in 6th grade next year. He is in the advanced reading and math programs and will be attending the jr high next year just for math class, then back to the elementary school for all other classes.

Since he'll have a gap in his day, the district is discussing giving them (him & a friend)a computer class through our district cyber school. The issue is that they say the boys won't get credit for the class. I realize that in later grades, this can't count toward class rank, gpa, etc., but I think they should still be given the credit and have the class on their transcripts since they are taking it and will pass it.

I spoke to the high school principal today, what a condescending jerk! (<- I used a stronger word when telling my husband) He just kept reiterating that it is "policy and I'd like to change that this summer" but told me that I wasn't understanding what he was saying. Of course, he couldn't be the problem! He said that only classes taken during 9-12 grades could be given credit toward graduation. This class would fulfill the requirement, but not be on their transcripts.

I feel that if they take the class and pass it, they should get the graduation credit for it and it should be on their transcripts, but it should be omitted from gpa, class rank, etc. All because they aren't in 9th grade yet.

I want to call the administration building and ask the person in charge, but since I work for the district, my husband worries about my job. I'm taking my college classes, so I'm only planning on working here 5 more years or so anyway, so I really don't care what happens to me, I want my kid to have what he has earned.

Where do I go from here? Should I drop it, is it a non-issue and I'm overreacting? Should I ask at the administration? I am so fired up right now, I can barely see straight so I'm trying to cool down before I do anything rash.