Kids carrying multiple diagnosis' are often a red flag that there is something more 'systemic' occurring. Is the psychologist you're skyping with the same one that has provided therapy tor two years with little change? If so I strongly urge you to get a second opinion. ASD run a wide range from very noticeable to barely perceptible. Often times kids will not meet full criteria for an ASD, but that doesn't mean there aren't ASD traits. I tell my parents that even if the diagnosis is ill-defined, the interventions for spectrum traits are the same. A parent's instincts are often (if not nearly always) right on.

I suggest you check out Oasis online ( which has tons of resources on aspergers, high-functioning autism, and differential dd such as non-verbal learning disorder.

Autism is generally identified by age three due severe expressive language delays...but Aspergers and NVLD are not often identified until school age when they cannot cope with their rigid needs in a world of spontaneity and constant rule 'breaches'.

Last edited by Evemomma; 06/05/12 09:18 AM.