My 8 dd scored a VCI of 138 (99%) on the WISC IV (the other parts are not administered) at her public school testing.

Unfortunately, this was too low to qualify for the gifted program. She was extremely bored with the second grade curriculum this year. Her morning lessons were silent writing and silent reading. However, she was only allowed to read at an age appropriate AR level of 2.X. She reads the middle school books at home. Her math is a group math instruction - though her MAPS was 217. The only classroom differentiation offered at her school is some extra packets of "fun work" to be done at indoor recess.

I would like to speak with the school. While they will absolutely not budge on admission to the gifted program, I hope to figure out some compromise. Her "ding" letter indicated, based on her score, her needs are met with the regular curriculum in the classroom. (This is not a gifted or magnet school so the regular instruction does cater to the lower end.)

Does anyone have any references for or experience with scores for differentiated curriculum? I would very much appreciate any help.