Originally Posted by ultramarina
So far DS seems to not have the kind of personality that makes for a show-off. He is very at ease with himself, and also just incredibly innocent. He has no idea that it's odd to be able to read like he does.

He will figure it out and that's when it gets interesting. I think DS was 4 to 4.5 when he really became aware - at one point he asked why people keep asking his age - the he's how old comments. DS mostly ignored the comments but you could tell when he had a gut response to the individual, some he would ignore, some he would engage andseeme he would get snarky, which was rare. He can be a bit of a performer when the mood strikes but I think the issues he had with the prek kids made him very leery of responding to these kinds of comments. Now at 6 we get the - what did he just say looks - but people interrupt less and ask the questions less. I think it's the combination of the babyness and the intelligence that gets people nosy.

The nicest one we had which mde DS feel great, he was reading the most recent chapter book in a series on the train, can't remember which one but clearly meant for someone much older, and there were much older kids across the train nudging and taking to their mom till finally she leaned over and asked what the title was and if it was a new one because her kids didn't recognize it and they wanted to read it. It was very inclusive rather than always being different. DS really enjoyed that.
