Oh yes, DS read everything that was in front of him from the time he was 2! I just nodded and said "uh huh" and "that's right" a lot, and when people commented, I would say "oh yeah, he's a nut" or something along those lines. When the kid is reading the U-Haul contract to the rental agent (at 2 1/2), or all the signs in the gas station, or the posters in the doctor's office, it's really pretty obvious that he's reading -- so "did he just READ that?" is a nonsensical question.

With DS being 2E, we've always had something he WASN'T doing to fall back on if there was a need to be self- or kid-deprecating about it -- "Yeah, but he still can't tie his shoes" or (still at 9) "Yeah, but he can't ride a bicycle yet". That lets "those" moms keep their snootiness. Their kids are perfectly happy to point out those areas of interest, anyway.