My daughter is just finishing second grade now.

State law says that the teachers have to have either training or experience in gifted education, although they are still scrambling to keep up with that to some extent. But my daughter's teacher has been teaching gifted students for 26 years. Nevertheless, I think that she is not particularly well-equipped for the overexcitabilities of my daughter. I think that a lot of her students are heavily coached into high CogAT scores, and she didn't quite know what to do with "raw" intelligence when she saw it. (DD took the CogAT completely cold, and pretty much blew it out of the water.) We had a very rocky midyear, but it seems to have mostly settled down now, at least for the moment. DD has started seeing an OT regularly, and I think that is helpful for her.

Will you be at Spiritridge or Cherry Crest in the fall?

ETA: DD will be seeing Elizabeth Smith in Bellevue in July (neuropsych). She has a very long waiting list, but is also highly recommended by our pediatrician and DD's OT specifically for gifted kids. I can't give you a personal recommendation, since we haven't seen her yet, but her qualifications seem to be very good, and she immediately asked all the right questions when I called to make the appointment for DD.

Last edited by ElizabethN; 05/30/12 01:35 PM.