I thought I had posted a response here, but apparently not.

My daughter goes to the Bellevue public schools, in the gifted cluster program (Prism). I think the program is a good one, even though she's had a lot of struggles this year. Of course, you can't beat the price. :-) However, they are making major changes to the program for next year, and the changes have not really been thought through very well before they embark on them, so I am pretty worried about that. In the past, they've had Prism for the top 1%, and a pull-out enrichment program for the top 3%. They're getting rid of the enrichment program and clustering all the top 3% kids in two cluster schools. Within each school, they will group the gifted classes by their verbal CogAT scores. It sounds like a reasonable program, but the proof will be in the pudding.