Originally Posted by Camille
Are there ways for a tester to take an LD into account when evaluating someone?

Are you asking if the tester can make accommodations based on knowledge of an LD on an IQ test? You can receive accommodations on achievement tests, but usually accommodations aren't given on an innate ability IQ test such as the WISC/SB/WJ-III because they are specifically designed to measure different types of abilities. Our ds did receive an accommodation when he was given the GogAT, but that's a learned ability test, which is a different type of test.

IQ scores can definitely go up though for a student who's had an LD diagnosed post-testing and then received remediation which allowed them to improve their abilities in the area that was low prior to diagnosis.

Our ds has had the WISC before and after diagnosis, and after handwriting OT but his dysgraphia and fine motor challenges aren't going to go away, they are a part of who he is, and his subtest score that is impacted by that challenge was consistent before and after diagnosis.
