I posted on your other thread yesterday, but since this one seems to be getting more responses, I wanted to reply to some of what had been said here.

Re grade skipping, I am not opposed as I have one dd who is grade skipped. However, I don't think that it is the solution for all gifted children. Many things come into play: how unusually gifted for your area is your child, are there ways to meet her needs in her current grade, are there 2e issues at play, does the child want to skip... There are more things than that to consider and I do think that the social aspect is one of the things to consider.

I would never rule a child out for a skip solely based on worries about socialization unless there were some major issues (a child on the autism spectrum who was likely to be severely bullied post-skip and who had a supportive group in grade, for instance). I wouldn't ignore social concerns, though.

My one who skipped is well out of the range of what a typical GT ided kid looks like in our area. She was learning very little even with all of the GT services available being offered in grade and I was seeing problems that I didn't want to see such as major procrastination, perfectionism (with the expectation that she needed to do no work for A+s across the board -- she was, honestly, pretty much right), and other kids treating her like some kind of prodigy.

My other child is also HG. It doesn't mean that a child isn't highly gifted if a grade skip isn't the right intervention for that child. There are other issues with my other dd such that we needed to find alternatives other than a grade skip. These have worked better for her.

I would not jump to 'grade skip' until I knew better what else could be done and whether you are dealing with a child who cannot be accommodated in her current grade.