Originally Posted by Kaela
My daughter is in the 4th grade and just has been identified as gifted. She has been frustrated and bored for several years and has always exceled in school. She is in the public school system. I am wondering if anyone has any expereience with the public and/or recomendations on how I could make sure she is challenged at the right level with the school. We really don't want her to skip a grade for social reasons. She is very quiet. She is going into the 5th grade and it is the highest at the elementary level.
First question is 'who identified your child?'
If it was a private psychologist, what did she/he recommend? Is the tester willing to call the school and make suggestions? What areas is your daughter particularly inderested or unchallenged in?

2nd questions is 'what level of gifted is she?' That is, is she similar in her level of learning strengths to the other smart kids at her school going into 5th grade? Would the school be willing to group some of these strong kids together and offer them the chance to work on independent project based learning?

3rd question is 'are my attitudes towards gradeskipping based on my experiences, experiences of people I know, or vauge stories?' Take a moment to look at the research for yourself and see if you still agree with yourself. IRPA - A Nation Deceivedwww.nationdeceived.org/Cached - Similar
The Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration (IRPA) is dedicated to the study of curricular acceleration for academically talented students. Academic ...
Even if you decide acceleration is the way to go, you many not want to push for it this year, as this is the bridge year between schools.

4th question - what can/is best to do outside of school? Is there a summer program for gifted kids that you can get your DD involved with. I'd be interested to know if she still seems shy when she is with 'her tribe.' Some do, some don't. What about an online class over the summer? Are there any topics that she is already interested in that could be expanded into indepth independent study at home or at school.

What has the school said so far?


Last edited by Grinity; 05/29/12 11:34 AM. Reason: I checked your other posts

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