Originally Posted by JamD
Hi all-
She's in B&M school, and I see she is a combination of bored and frustrated - she can't read fast enough to show any of the stuff she is capable of. I've talked to them - without test results - and not gotten very far.

I think a large part of the equation here is that you haven't had a clear understanding of what's going on with your dd and you've had no data to show to the school - you might find that once the testing is finished and you have the reports and you've had the summer months to research your dd's needs based on the neuropscyh's findings that a meeting with the B&M school might be much more productive (or not!).. but for us, having the data and having done the research into our ds' particular challenges made advocating at school *much* more effective than prior to the evaluations.

Re homeschooling - I'd suggest trying to reach out to other families who homeschool this summer to learn what you can about local resources and to ask around re how other families near you handle situations where the parents are both working. Another thing I'd do is to look into optional/charter schools in your area, and private schools (some offer good financial aide packages if $ is a concern). I honestly never thought I'd send my children to private school, but it's been absolutely *the* single best thing we've done for our 2e ds12.

The good thing is, you have the summer to sort through everything - good luck!
