Hi, Leahcrhis,
Your neuropsych sounds awesome--I had never heard before that the hand flapping thing was a possible gifted trait, because that was one of the big things DD's teacher focused on when DD was 3 to refer her for the first of many evaluations. Now DD is 8 and we are still having problems with her behavior and with teachers, which has led me to a search for an expert neuropsych who might be able to give us an expert opinion to refer to in the future. I have gone through all the tentative diagnoses we got this year and compared them to what is said about them in the Misdiagnosis book by James Webb and don't think DD (now 8) meets the criteria for any of them (although she is definitely a bird of a different feather)! wink If you get a chance, could you please PM me (or post) the name of your neuropsych? We are in NC and I'm hoping to find someone on the East Coast or Midwest to do an evaluation to counteract the one we got earlier this year, with which we very much disagree.
Regardless, I'm glad you found someone who can help you! Good luck going forward,