Originally Posted by ultramarina
Right now one issue I see is that we are having major sibling rivalry here, and that having one skipped kid and one who is not skipped (DD could easily be skipped academically, but I would never consider it due to her social and emotional immaturity) would likely make things even worse. Anyone else have that issue?
We do to an extent. My dd11 is HG and 2e. Dd13 is HG and, although slower in processing speed, not really 2e the way her sister is. Both started as the youngest in grade and dd13 is skipped. Dd11 is not and has the traditional younger sibling in the shadow issues.

The way we've dealt with it has been multifaceted. For one, we have dd11 at a different middle school than her older sister attended so she isn't being compared by peers or teachers (they don't know her sister). Dd11 is also doing some programs and extracurriculars that her sister did not. She is getting very good at cello (her sister does not play an instrument) and has won some contests such as a regional writing contest recently. While dd13 could probably benefit from things like Yunasa, we're only sending dd11 b/c dd13 has other summer programs that cater to her interests and we can't afford it for both of them.

Ultimately, it was hard on dd11's ego immediately post skip b/c they had been @ the same school and she got a lot of "oh, you're [dd13]'s sister" from other kids. However, I couldn't do wrong by dd13 in order to assuage dd11's feelings. Instead, we had to find a way for dd11 to have her own areas to shine. She has blossomed more academically over the past year or two as well and is subject accelerating in math, so that has probably helped too.