My DS has a 11/5 birthday and mid year skipped last year from 1-2. I never thought of sending him early but he did go to an all day K that was all and all an OK fit - not great but livable. They grade accelerated him in reading because they had an existing program for that and because all day K is not required here, they did have some enrichment time. My DS has an ADHD diagnosis (just recently) and is socially/emotionally immature compared to most of his 3/4 grade HG classroom mates - some have been 10 since the fall.

Anyway, I would take it year by year. I think you know what your DS can handle right now and that your concerns about all day and everyday school are warranted (it is a whole different ball game once they start "real" school). But, if you decide on one more year of prek, I would be thinking about what you actually want for him from K (subject/grade acceleration, other accomodations, etc.)and how likely you are to get it. I never thought of early entrance because in all honesty, I was naive about what school would offer my DS - it wasn't that I did not think he was that smart, I just thought the school would be better equiped to accomodate him. Even so, looking back I would not have put my DS in early because he was too immature at the time and I don't think he would have been able to sit still for long periods.

In terms of getting him to stop biting at home, I suggest he Transforming the Difficult Child workbook.

Please don't worry about making the wrong decision - we do the best we can with the information we have at the time we make the decisions for our little ones. Good luck.

Last edited by Deonne; 05/16/12 05:47 PM. Reason: typo and to add a line